Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Expectations..... They are always there

Hello everyone,
This time I have got something very much interesting.
I was googling and found this awesome lines written by Mansi Bhatia on her Blog.
Nice Composition Mansi. :)

"Expectations, hopes and aspirations
Perfect ingredients to stifle your relations
To wish for something to be done for you,
To expect reciprocation for all you do
That’s not a relationship — that’s a deal,
A contract that two parties seal.
When you love someone, you only give
For a smile, a look, a loving hug, you live.."

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Sure does.
It’s the romanticized version of life. In reality, all relationships require a give and take. The spousal kind, more so.

You could certainly aspire to have a relationship devoid of expectations. But to translate that into your day-to-day thoughts and activities — close to impossible. Just read the last line of the verse above

I am an Idealist at heart but I’ve come to believe that selflessness doesn't quite exist.

We always expect something in return … even if it is an immaterial thing.

It’s human nature.
You can’t just give of yourself.
Disagree with me?
Would like to hear why....

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