Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Corporate World... My Experience (My First Day)

Dear Friends,
This is the first time I am trying to write something on my own. I have been itching to write something since last couple of weeks. But I was unable to figure out what to write. And moreover I do not have relevant experience. Then I thought why not just write about what I am experiencing... Yes... The Corporate life I am living these days.

I firmly believe that all my friends and well wishers will forgive me for any flaws that may arise. Or in case they dislike something. Or find something unusual.

THE FIRST DAY @ Honeywell

The First day at Honeywell was a memorable day for me. Today I was going to enter the Corporate premises for the first time. Previously I did visit my dad's company. But I was rather small that time. Didn't understood things much. But the day I was to be at Honeywell, I was very much excited. Wanted to know what all things went around in a company, what people did there, how would they do that and all that.

I am here for an industrial training. The faculty at my college used to tell us in the class during our previous semesters,
"You must have seen many movies and must have assumed that the company is a great place to be. Many Many people working around, A huge building with great ambiance etc etc. But in reality you might end up in a place which is not bigger than  a small shop. Infact, the company itself may be set up in a small shop. With a working staff of about 10 to 15 people. Also at some places, you might be for your final semester project but might end up doing nothing more than downloading stuff for the place you work. You will feel like You are merely a Downloader working there"

Hearing that I used to wonder what will I be facing in the company wherever I went. (A thought before it was fixed for me to come to Honeywell). But it was so different to be here. A very nice place to be, i would say. I saw everything here that I was told not to imagine!!! Great Place (Both the Company as well as its surroundings). Great people. Everything was good.

Thank you very much Rajesh Chandarana Uncle (dad's friend) and Mr. Gavish Jani (Honeywell Regional Manager, Western Region). It was all because of you that I am here today.

I was there by 10 AM on 3rd January. I came up to the Reception, got my Visitor Pass Prepared and as I put my foot into the working area, what do I see! Lots of people working on lots of desks. OMG!
I directly made my way to Mr. Bhagwat Narkhade (My Project Manager), the only person in Honeywell I knew than. I had a talk with him and he introduced me to
Anuj Pawar (Team Lead) and 
Abhijit Khalate (Sr. Application Engineer and Project Guide).

At first I felt little Inferiority Complex. I am just a College Guy. How would I cope up with everyone here who may be working from considerable amount of time?
The Language Problem - Although people who spoke to me till now was in Hindi, what I saw here was most of the people talked to each other in their local language (Marathi). If I would try than too I won't understand the slightest thing in that.
That first day I didn't had much to do. I was just told what I had to do in my project and it would start in few days. I had not overcomed my Inferiority Complex. But I took a breath of relief when I met Hemang Patel. He is from Ankleshwar. He was not associated with my project and we didn't had much talk either. But I don't know what made me feel relieved after meeting him. I suppose this is what you call feeling easy when you have people from around your place

While leaving the place in the evening, I was very much happy and exited to come back the next day.

It would be the most memorable day in my life.

My Parents                 Bhagwat Narkhede
Chandarana Uncle    Abhijit Khalate
Gavish Jani                Anuj Pawar
                                     Hemang Patel

and esp My College. For giving me an opportunity for see the Corporate World before I would actually experience it.

Thank You all of you....
I owe you for all this...


Jaisinghani said...

Thankyou for sharing your most memorable day with us .
I like that your speech and confidence.

Mit Desai said...

I am glad you liked my post.