Sunday, May 15, 2011

Athene's Theory of Everything

Athene's 'Theory of Everything' doesn't only refer to the scientific concept of a unified field theory, but also to the scope of his research, which encompasses everything that has deep significance regarding the way science can affect our views on life, death and reality, ranging from neuroscience to particle physics.

Being an engineer, I was really happy to see no sensationalized or metaphysical claims in the documentary. On the contrary, it was great to see how he rigorously took the scientific method to heart in all aspects of his work, without making any of the esoteric correlations that modern quantum theorists sometimes resort to. Chiren's writing, which the documentary is based on, looks to science with respect for its roots in openness and skepticism..

As with all new ideas, I imagine not everyone will agree with his views on things. Regardless, the documentary will undoubtedly quickly become popular, as it deals with the subjects of reality, quantum mechanics, neuroscience and human psychology. And who knows, perhaps it will even win the heart of the scientific community (in the event the findings are verified).

Check out the documentary here -

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