Sunday, May 15, 2011

Petrol Price Hike

Some friends here feel that the petrol price hike was inevitable and its not linked to corruption - the truth is, it wasn't and it is! There are a few points one should ponder upon before jumping to quick conclusions:

1. Fuel prices in India are already much more than in many other countries due to a numbers of taxes and levies. Why doesn't the Govt consider lowering these taxes before allowing the hike in fuel prices?

2. Why is it that diesel is still being subsidised when several recommendations have been made to bring diesel prices at parity with that of petrol? Isn't it in effect, collecting the money from middle class in form of petrol price hike and bribing the farmers and SUV/MUV owners?

3. Delhi based industrialist Bharat Ram says, "There are mainly two large manufacturers who produce primarily diesel vehicles and, through the automobile associations, they have a strong lobby to keep status quot. Only one out of 10 vehicles was running on diesel "some years ago" . At present, there is a gap of Rs 20.62 a litre between the price of the two motor fuels in Delhi."

4. There are lakhs if not millions of Govt vehicles plying on the roads, ferrying NETAS and BABUS. Who pays for the fuel in these vehicles? Why hasn't the Govt. considered moving to cleaner fuels like CNG? Their vehicles still run on precious petrol and diesel?

5. A lot of people say that hiking the price of petrol is beneficial for the environment. Have you ever asked the Govt. why urban mass transport systems (in most cities) are in complete disarray and inefficient? Do you feel people travel by own expensive transport out of choice? Why don't we have an efficient metro rail in all metro cities and efficient mass transport in other cities? Isn't this a deficiency in governance and complete disregard for the people?

6. We would not like to reveal the source but we have been told that the petrol prices are being hiked to bring the price to a level to make it profitable for private operators to enter the fray again, they quit the business few years back since they could not compete with the subsidized fuel sold by Govt owned companies!!! Not possible without greasing a few palms and really big ones for that matter!!!

7. Why is the Govt not taxing these private vehicles heavily and investing the money on efficient public transport systems? Instead what we get is, several new car launches every month, That is the only way to cut down the consumption of fossil fuels!!!

Mentioned here is Extract from Facebook Page India Against Corruption 
I would like to thank the author for sharing this thing

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